Linking to Game Stories and Geelix

Linking to Game Stories

You may link to Game Stories from your website, app, etc.

We recommend linking desktop users to the URL you find when browsing game stories on a desktop computer, e.g.:

We recommend linking mobile users to the URL you find when browsing game stories on a mobile device, e.g.:

We recommend using one of the icons below.

You could use Mobile Detect to detect if a user is on a desktop computer or a mobile device:
function navToGeelixStory() {
 var md = new MobileDetect(window.navigator.userAgent);
 if ( == null)

Here is an example game website that links to its game story (see the bottom of the page):

Icons for linking

Please download this zip-file and use one of the icons it contains on your website:

The circular icon is good for larger placements:

The text-only icon is good for smaller placements:

Feel free to resize the icons for your placements.